Sunday 7 February 2010

Week 1...........glad its over.

This past week i have been racking my brain trying to think of an idea for pitching towards the panel at the end of this semester. to find an idea I looked back at some of my previous ideas that weren't used in previous semesters. through this i was able to find two ideas that I am very passionate about.

  1. Re-enactment - a documentary based on the life of re-enacters focusing on how one family of re-enactoes live and how they are affected by external issues e.g. recession, law, history, transport, work, relationships, etc.
  2. Heritage Crafts - a documentary based on looking at the historical decline of traditional crafts in Britain and what factors have caused this. also looking at a select few crafts that are in danger of disappearing and what is being done to preserve them for future generations.

After thinking about both these subjects carefully I decided on the heritage crafts idea because i am to closely involved with re-enactment which would make it difficult. Also I greatly interested by how far certain crafts date back in the history of Britain (e.g. bow lathing 2500 BC) and I also know some of the people/organisations that would be useful being filmed for this project.

After deciding this I researched some of these people/organisations. the first place I looked was the Heritage Craft Association (of which I'm a member) as they are able to define what a heritage craft is and also they have links to other research such as UNESCO cultural sector that would be worth mentioning. I also looked up some of the work done by the Guardian that looked into Disappearing acts as this lists some of the crafts that are in decline or in risk of disappearing. these organizations also give me links to crafts people that I could use for filming purposes or even get information on there craft/profession.

This is only general research as of yet and needs to be correlated to find out what is useful and what isn't. I also need to begin constructing my proposal for this pitch.

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