Monday 29 March 2010

Why BBC2?

Why BBC2?

What makes BBC2 my choice of channel for my documentary?

the reason why is becuase BBC2 describes itself as such:

"We embrace all television genres, but it is our factual programming that has always been integral to the BBC TWO purpose. We aspire to be a place where viewers can expect to find the finest arts, history, science and human interest documentaries, as well as the best-loved formatted leisure programmes anywhere in British television - output that is intelligent and rich in content, yet thoroughly accessible and entertaining." (BBC2 Commissioning)

Their output is factually entartaining which means the programmes draw the veiwer in through the presntation of information but in a manor that is visually pleasing. for example two programmes of which I have been studying, BBC2's Mastercrafts and The Victorian Farm are both true to this format. They both include detailed information, Whether historical, cultural, or industrial, to which they then present with visual imagery and re-enactments to stimulate the viewer. So the information is not lost but translated in a different manner to keep interest.

but I am digressing here. To answer the question of why BBC2 is becuase it is the home of documentary on the BBC Of which is one the most watched channels in Britain. My documentary would be broadcast over the whole country but also on the channel the channel that is best known for documentaries.

Also BBC2 gives me a format to which I can lay the foundations of the documentary. it states in its docmuntary page on it's immersive, presenter led expiriences:

"Experiential and not thesis driven, Louis Theroux, Monty Halls, Kate Humble, Charley Boorman and Bruce Parry all find very different ways of exploring a world that, distant or not, feels relevant to our own lives. Who else can take us on journeys of discovery or lead us into new subjects? Travel has been key to these programmes and we're keen to keep evolving how these programmes work. What's the next distinctive step in travel and exploration? Kate Humble's journey along the ancient Frankincense Trail was a tremendous success and we're particularly interested in more female and more diverse talent to add to the mix." (BBC2 Documentary Commisioning).

It is these reasons why I believe that BBC2 is best suited for my documentary. Or in fact why my documentary is suited for BBC2.

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